Four car accident on Hwy. 27 ties up traffic

A wreck occurred at the corner of Hwy. 27 and Arthur Irwin Road Thursday, April 11th while motorists were bypassing the train collision at the DeQuincy Railroad Museum. (Photo by Chris Pekar.)

Submitted by Det. Jerry Bell, DeQuincy Police Dept.

When it rains, it pours, immediately when the KCS train began to move out of DeQuincy, DQPD received word that there was a four car accident on LA 27 near Arthur Irwin Rd. DeQuincy available units along with Detectives Bell and Whitehead responded to the scene. Luckily two State Troopers were at the train wreck and they responded swiftly to the scene. CPSO personnel also responded and set up a traffic control.

There were four wrecked vehicles, some blocking the road and traffic had to be held up. Detective Whitehead called for the DeQuincy Street Crew to bring a backhoe. Soon Sam Williams showed up and saved the day by using the backhoe to clear Hwy. 27 of the wrecked trucks and cars.

We thank Jesus that no one was injured severely in this incident. Some of the persons involved were our citizens and the DQPD is also thankful that they are okay.

Again, teamwork by the various agencies saved the day. The Sheriff’s department did an outstanding job of traffic control, getting the traffic moving as fast as they could. Ward Six Fire personnel, who always do an outstanding job, helped clear the road and take care of the involved personnel. Citizens of DeQuincy, rest assured that we have outstanding highly qualified personnel to take care of our incidents.

If you see a first responder and you have the time, please thank them for what they do. Many of them are volunteers and many work for low wages.

The first day of the Festival started off with some serious incidents.
