City Council elects new officers at meeting

Darlene Hooker was appointed to the DeQuincy Housing Authority Board during Monday night’s City Council meeting. Hooker was named Chaplain at the Housing Authority meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 10. She is pictured with Mayor Riley Smith. (Photo by Evalin Hester.)

By Evalin Hester

Denise Maddox, President of City Council called the regular monthly meeting to order on Monday, Dec. 9, at 6 p.m. Invocation and Pledge were led by Mayor Riley Smith and Daisy Cole.

Minutes of the Nov. 11, regular meeting and the Nov. 25, special meeting were approved by the Council. Also the Agenda for the Dec. 9 meeting was also approved.

Tamika Scott with the 2020 Census will address the Council at the January, 2020 meeting.

A bid of $50,000 was accepted and approved by the Council for property located at 211 N. Pine St. Motion was made by Ronda Jacobs and seconded by Judy Landry.

The Council reappointed Darwin Pinder to serve another 3-year term on the board of the West Calcasieu Parish Community Center Authority.

Darlene Hooker was appointed to serve as a Commissioner of the Housing Authority of the City of DeQuincy.

The Council elected new officers for the coming year: Mark Peloquin will serve as President and Judy Landry will serve as Vice President.

Mayor Smith expressed his thanks for the great turn out of the KCS Holiday Express Train and all who contributed their time.

Thursday, Dec. 19, at 3:30 p.m. a retirement social will be held at City Hall for Lynn Spikes, 13 years of service; Terry Skinner, 33 years of service and Calvin Skinner, 30 years of service. The public is invited.
