
November 9, 2020
DeQuincy, LA
The City Council of the City of DeQuincy met in regular session on the above date in the city hall council chambers located at 300 Holly Street, DeQuincy, Louisiana, with the following members present: Daisy Cole, Mark Peloquin, Denise Maddox and Ronda Jacobs. Absent: Judy Landry.
Council Chairman Mark Peloquin called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Smith gave the invocation and Daisy Cole led the pledge of allegiance.
Motion was made by Denise Maddox and seconded by Ronda Jacobs to approve the October 19, 2020 regular session minutes. Without objection, the motion carried.
Valecia Royer read the financial report. As of October 31, 2020, the overall total revenue, actual year to date is $426,157.58 with the FYE 9/30/2020 budget being $4,471,100.00 and a remaining budget of $4,044,942.42. The total expenses, as of October 31, 2020, actual year to date totals are $753,238.69, with the FYE 9/30/2020 budget total expenses being $5,604,970.00, and the remaining budget of $4,851,731.31.
Chief Johnny Copeland read the fire report. There were 10 calls for October 2020.
Police Chief Casey Whitehead gave the police report for October 2020. There were 153 violations, 10 arrests, 314 complaints filed, and 97 warnings given. The fines and bonds collected for the month of October totaled approximately $11,220.00. The PD Officers patrolled approx. 8608 miles during the month of October.
Eddy Dahlquist was absent.
Hank Frazier gave the public works report and sewer plant report. Mr. Frazier reported both crews have been cleaning sewer right of ways and checking the man holes as much as time allows. They also cleaned debris from the sewer pond levee and fence row as well as the hand rails, that were torn down by the Hurricane, at the sewer plant.
FEMA will be doing site assessments this week on the DeQuincy buildings damaged from the Hurricanes.
FEMA is considering using city property, on the west side of town, for temporary housing.
Senator Reese and State Representative Les Farnum met with city officials today regarding possible grant money for our airport.
The Halloween Trunk or Treat went well this year as well as the haunted house uptown.
The Chamber of Commerce will be having a Christmas parade this year. It is scheduled for Saturday, December 5 at 10:00 am.
Debris cleanup from the Hurricanes will be 100% federally funded so the city will not have to foot the bill for that.
Daisy Cole mentioned the trunk or treat at the parks. It went very well.
A motion was made by Denise Maddox and seconded by Ronda Landry to approve the November 9, 2020 agenda. Without objection, the motion carried.
Items Not on Agenda:
Bob Engle is having a problem with the old house next door to him on Holly Street. There is a family of skunks living under the old house and they are visiting his yard also. Because the Calcasieu Parish Animal Control will not come out for a skunk problem, he asked if the city could help with the problem. They also asked for help in getting the house next door torn down. He was advised the family had already purchased a demolition permit so the house would be turned down soon.
Seymour Pullam asked how the funds from FEMA, for the Grand Avenue gym roof, would be allocated when received. The Mayor advised Mr.Pullam that if the city received funds from FEMA for the Grand Avenue Gym roof, they would have to be used for repairs to the roof. Those funds could not be used on any other city structure.
Items on the Agenda:
A motion was made by Denise Maddox and seconded by Ronda Jacobs approve the application for a beer/liquor permit submitted by Dollar General Store #21204. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Daisy Cole, Mark Peloquin, Denise Maddox and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: Judy Landry. Abstain: None.
A public hearing was held regarding the 2020 millage rates. There were no comments and the meeting was closed.
A motion was made by Denise Maddox and seconded by Ronda Jacobs to adopt a resolution setting the 2020 millage rates. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Daisy Cole, Mark Peloquin, Denise Maddox and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: Judy Landry. Abstain: None.
A public hearing was held regarding ratifying the emergency ordinances adopted as a result of Hurricane Laura and Delta. There were no public comments.
After reading the five (5) ordinance numbers and captions, Denise Maddox made a motion to ratify the ordinances. Ronda Jacobs seconded the motion.
Daisy Cole recognized the upcoming Veteran’s Day and saluted the veterans. She also mentioned the CenturyLink bills that were being sent out for services that were not rendered after the Hurricane. Ms. Cole also asked about what type of give-a-way was going on at the ball park on a past Saturday and was told it was not a city sponsored event so we had very little information about it other than citizens from all 4 districts were represented on the list. Lastly she asked about the debris pickup.
Ronda Jacobs voiced her complaints about Vyve and notified the Mayor of three big holes on N. Perkins Street (on N side of bridge.)
Denise Maddox asked when the debris would be picked up from 102 Boise Street. It seems like they picked up all the other piles but left one. Ms. Maddox also thanked the city employees for all of their hard work during and after the hurricanes.
Mark Peloquin asked about all of the abandoned houses around town and whether or not the city would start the process of condemnation. After discussion it was determined letters would be written first to the homeowners explaining for at least another 30 days their house debris could be picked up for free if shoved to the side of the road. Once the debris pickup is over, then the cleanup will be at the cost of the homeowners, whether they do it or the city contracts it done.
Denise Maddox made a motion to adjourn and Ronda Jacobs seconded the motion.
/s/Pat Brummett
City Council Clerk
/s/Riley Smith
/s/Mark Peloquin
Run: Dec. 23, 2020 (D-4)
