
November 29, 2021
DeQuincy, LA
The City Council of the City of DeQuincy met in special session on Monday, November 29, 2021 5:30 p.m. at the DeQuincy City Hall, 300 N. Holly Street, DeQuincy, Louisiana with the following members present: Denise Maddox, Judy Landry, Ronda Jacobs and Mark Peloquin. Absent: Daisy Cole. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Denise Maddox and the roll was called with the above result.
Arnold Blagrave was the only person from the public present at the beginning of the meeting. Cade Cole addressed the council and presented them with the proposed redistricting map. He explained there are very little changes in the map but they did attempt to even up the voter numbers in each council district. The division of District 1 and 4 and 2 and 3 are now divided by Hwy. 12 which was the biggest change.
Chairman Denise Maddox asked if there was any public comment regarding the map
that was presented and there was none.
There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Ronda Jacobs and seconded Mark Peloquin to adjourn the meeting.
/s/Pat Brummett
City Council Clerk
/s/Riley Smith
/s/Denise Maddox
Run: Dec. 15, 2021 (D-5)
